放射線に関する基礎知識 (被ばくの種類についても解説)被ばく状況の分類について(その2) こんにちは。放射線などについて分かりやすく解説している大地(だいち)です。前回の記事では、被ばく状況の分類について解説しました。今日は、その続きとして、・「被ばくの種類」とは何で、どんな種類の被ばくがあるのか。・計画被ばく状況における放射線... 2021.12.24 放射線に関する基礎知識
Basic knowledge about radiation (There are three situations) Categories of exposure situations (Vol. 1) Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand... 2021.12.17 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation (They are around us) What is the external exposure and internal exposure? Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand... 2021.12.10 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation Committed effective dose is effective dose of XXX exposure. Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand... 2021.11.26 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation 5 Sieverts we need to know Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand... 2021.11.19 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation Three radiation-related units you need to know Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand... 2021.11.13 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation (Easy-to-understand) What is the difference between ‘radioactive material’, ‘radioactivity’ and ‘radiation’? Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand... 2021.11.05 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation (There are 2 definitions) What is radiation? Hello, everyone.My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information on the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand ... 2021.10.25 Basic knowledge about radiation
Basic knowledge about radiation (First step) 3 parts consisting of an atom Hello. My name is Daichi, elaborating the radiation issues in an easy-to-understand manner.In this first article, I woul... 2021.10.18 Basic knowledge about radiation
放射線に関する基礎知識 (3つあります)被ばく状況の分類について(その1) こんにちは。放射線などについて分かりやすく解説している大地(だいち)です。今日は、・放射線の被ばくに関して、その被ばく状況の種類があると聞いたが、どのような種類があるのか知りたい。こういった疑問に答えます。○本記事の内容 (3つあります)被... 2021.10.11 放射線に関する基礎知識