

こんにちは。放射線などについて分かりやすく解説している大地(だいち)です。本記事と、その後の数回の記事において、世界における、原子力の平和利用などにおいて中心的な役割を果たしている、国際原子力機関(英語名:International Ato...
Decontamination and treatment of the Specified Waste

(What is the SHRA? Future issues?) Restricted Areas (Vol. 3)

Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information about the radiation issues in an easy-to-underst...


Decontamination and treatment of the Specified Waste

(What is the SRRBA?) Restricted Areas (Vol. 2)

Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information about the radiation issues in an easy-to-underst...


Decontamination and treatment of the Specified Waste

(Let’s review its history and overview) Restricted Areas (Vol. 1)

Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information about the radiation issues in an easy-to-underst...


Decontamination and treatment of the Specified Waste

(What is the Clean Center Futaba?) What is the Landfill Facility for the Specified Waste? (Vol. 3)

(The picture above is for illustrative purpose)Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information o...


Decontamination and treatment of the Specified Waste

(Specific methods for landfill are elaborated) What is the Landfill Facility for the Specified Waste? (Vol. 2)

(The picture above is for illustrative purpose)Hello, everyone. My name is Daichi, an expert providing the information o...